Road cleaning

A clean town for all

We clean the streets and squares of the Beniel town centre and its suburban districts (El Mojón, El Raiguero and La Basca). To do this we use the most suitable manual and mechanical equipment for the job.

Cleaning resources and services

Sweeping-vacuuming vehicle

Sweeping-vacuuming vehicle

Sermubeniel has two sweeping-vacuuming vehicles that clean the town’s streets and provide support to the work team.


Eight-person team

They perform the manual sweeping and provide vehicular support for sweeping and vacuuming.

Blower Sermubeniel

Silent cleaning

To ensure residents experience as little noise as possible while we work, Sermubeniel uses electric blowers on all the streets and squares in the town.

Vehicle Sermubeniel

Cleaning the weekly street market

Every Monday, a team of three operators with support from the sweeping vehicle clean up the area of the Francisco Robles, Juan Saquero, Desamparados and neighbouring streets, to collect waste from the weekly street market.